Profil Bale Juroeng

Bale Juroeng

Bale Juroeng adalah sebuah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat, berdiri 6 April 1999 di Langsa, Aceh dengan aktivitas utama dibidang Lingkungan Hidup dan Budaya, berbasiskan pada masyarakat, tidak mengambil untung, melakukan kegiatan secara swadaya, juga dapat melakukan kerjasama dengan lembaga pemerintah, organisasi, dunia usaha, dan individu di dalam dan luar negeri dengan tatanan kerja saling menghormati dan dapat diperc

Aktivitas Bale Juroeng

Bale Juroeng dalam melakukan aktivitas kegiatannya, menjunjung tinggi kearifan lokal, tidak melanggar etika beragama, budaya, suku dan antar golongan, bekerja sesuai kemampuan sumber daya manusia yang kami miliki, dan memastikan pekerjaan tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi kelestarian lingkungan dan budaya di wilayah kerja.

Tujuan Kami

  • Mendukung rakyat dan masyarakat serta negara untuk menentukan masa depan pengelolaan lingkungan dan budaya secara berkelanjutan.
  • Memastikan bahwa setiap kegiatan dari dana hibah berjalan sesuai perencanaan sehingga bermanfaat bagi lingkungan yang tepat dan kegiatan tersebut dijalankan sesuai dengan arahan lingkungan, tata cara, sifat sosial dan budaya lokal.

22 November 2011

Community empowerment to increase family income through animal raising and natural resource management in Leuser Ecosystem Area  in Tenggulun and Batu Bedulang Villages, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia.

1. Project Profile

This project will improved the livelihood of the communities residing in 2 (two) villages of Trunggulun and Batu Bedulang of Aceh Tamiang district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. This three year active project duration will  serve 150 families (consist of 40% women, 40% men and 20% youths). The 120 participating families will be supported  with 435 goats, 300 kg of horticulture seeds, micro credit. Meanwhile for the youths groups, they will be supported with 300 ducks, 7500  cat fish or tilapia and creation of two tree nurseries, and  village library as centre of learning. And additional 300 families will be assisted through Passing on the Gifts

Environment will also be the major focus of the projects where the elements of land management, decrease of illegal logging and improvement of soil and water  conservation will be implemented while utilizing local resources such as Pandanus for handy crafts, legume and grass will be planted  also by project participant as a animal feed.  Project participants will also receive technical and non- technical trainings including: Values-based holistic community development and Heifer’s Cornerstones, animal well-being, gender equity, business management, agro ecology, village library and horticulture.

2. Background and History of Project Holder/Partner

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Bale Juroeng is a Non Government organization that was established by groups of environmentalist activists in Aceh since 06 April 1999.  Its vision is to manage the forest of the Leuser Ecosystem  with the best interest of the community and environment while creating the traditional farming community to be self reliant.

Such programs that had been carried out by the Bale Juroeng currently are the Leuser Ecosystem Conservation Program, Capacity Building of Community Group and Empowerment of the traditional farmer. Bale Juroeng had also some work experience with Diakonie - German in their mangrove rehabilitation projects, post disaster housing recovery and livelihood program, building schools and clean water of Aceh Tamiang community and on the development of safe energy stove program. Collaborated with Bina Swadaya (a national NGO), Bale Juroeng also conduct a development works for the farmer groups and fishermen in Bireun sub district and Aceh Timur. They also have their own individual program which is on management of city forests in Langsa City and also mangrove conservation forest in Aceh Timur.

3.         Project Rationale – Local Conditions and Opportunities to assist

The Aceh Tamiang District of  Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province (Aceh) is one of the province in Indonesia which is located on the northern tip of the Sumatra Island. This province is gifted with rich natural resources but their poverty level is number 4th from the 32 province in Indonesia. The poverty level is accounted upto 1.157.200 people or 28,47% from the total population of Aceh which accounted for 4.075.600 people. (Central Statistic Bureau BPS 2004).  

 Aceh Tamiang District is 1.939,72 km2 in size and consists of 212 villages and 27 traditional settlement of 03 53 - 04 32' LU upto 97 44'- 98 18' BT in the globe. The major product of this district is palm oil where the plantation covers around 80% of the land; some of the plantation is a state owned palm oil plantation, some are owned by private companies and some by individual people. In terms of transportation, water transportation carrier is an alternative that many people used because in this district, there are 2 (two) big rivers flowing; Sungai Tamiang and Sungai Kaloy.  Meanwhile its people largely work as farmers and plantation labour. It is also common to found that in certain locations in the forest that illegal logging activities is carried out in the Leuser Ecosystem.  Regarding the ethnicity, the community in the Heifer project sites are Suku Tamiang, Gayo and Javanese.

A big flood in 2006 had caused some major damage to the infra structure/public facility, decrease public service, destruct the environment, and the lost of income source for the community. Until now, the reconstruction, physical rehabilitation and the socio economic culture of the community had become the major needs in the area. There are still a large number of refugees still living in the temporary shelter. In terms of livelihood, although there are many institution who participate in the rehabilitation program such as through post harvest program, but there are still some potentials that had not been developed in optimum to support the income of the community.

Opportunities for Assistance

For the uplands area, there are many potentials for freshwater fish breeding. The abundant water source can provide an agreeable environment for ducks breeding. Much potential for livestock breeding is also found such as legume and fodders. In terms of household industry, there are many pandanus plants growing which can be process to various handicrafts. This project will enforce on local indigenous knowledge and skill so that the community are able to utilize the natural resources surrounding them in an economic and sustainable ways. 

This program will provides positive contribution on the conservation activities in the Leuser ecosystem and Wampu rivers buffer zones through establishing a tree nurseries in each village, environmental awareness activities to the children and youths by rehabilitating the forest areas and other go-green activities.

The number of youths in Batu Bedulang village is around 35 youths and these youths potentials are still unutilize. Generally, these youths are drop-outs of Elementary Schools and Intermediate Schools. This conditions generates from the difficulties in accessing to a higher level of schoolings due to the isolated locations of the Batu Bedulang village. Around 75% of the youths  in the village are helping their families on the farmland, carrying the heavy loggs downs to the river (illegal logging) , and some become hand labour in the palm oil plantation. In terms of the existed organization in the village that can accomdate the youths, there is only the Youths Mosque Organization and Traditional Cultural Organization (Gayo). Their activities is mostly done after the sun had ben set in the horizon (night time).

Meanwhile for the youths in Trenggulun village, their number is around 47 youths. Differ to the Batu Bedulang youths, the youths in Trenggulun village have the access to go to the High schools although the road condition to get there is extremely poor. The youths in this village mostly spend their time doing sports such as volleyball, soccer and others due to the availability of a sport facility. There is an organization of Youth Mosque Organization and Karang Taruna, where these 2 (two) organizations had actively accomodate the activities of the village youths.

Farmers will be empowered economically and socially through self-help groups. Self-help groups – made up of 23-24 village members – are a sustainable means for social and economic empowerment. Self-help groups (SHGs) form their own goals and visions for their family, group, and community.  All SHGs conduct regular meetings, trainings and saving and credit schemes. SHGs will also receive training on Heifer’s cornerstones and gender awareness.  

To ensure productivity of livestock, participants will actively participate in field-based trainings on effective and appropriate forage and animal health management. The families will receive local timber seedlings and horticulture seeds.  Trainings will help strengthen their organic farming and conservation practices. Participants will also actively participate in other technical trainings on animal well being, horticulture and agro ecology.  These practices will promote organic farming and discourage the use and need of chemical fertilizers.  This will teach farmers how to utilize their own resources and not spend money.

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